The Moon
lack of clarity, emotions/memories rising to the surface, subconscious patterns coming to light, and a time of heightened intuition.
floating in the ocean in the dark
moonlight kisses the gentle waves
no shore in sight
terrifyingly alone
and lost
in the depths
fear and surrender dance
what will rise to the surface?
The Moon card has an elemental, mysterious quality to it. It represents times when what has been hidden comes to the surface. But also represents how what what we perceive as danger or safety in the light of the moon may look very different when a new day dawns. The invitation with the Moon is to slow down and pay attention. It invites you to connect with your intuition, not the fear-based narratives that run through your head. Something is being revealed to you, but you have to be patient and allow it to emerge in its own time.
To play with the energy of The Moon….
Journal Prompt: If you are currently going through a difficult situation, ask yourself: does this situation have any similarities to some time from the past? If yes, how might that past situation be affecting how you are responding now? What emotions is this situation bringing up? Can you make space to feel them?
Dream Journal: A great way to connect with the energy of the Moon is to start to pay attention to your dreams. Our dreams can represent many things, but often it is a way for the subconscious to speak with us. It brings certain conflicts and emotions to our attention. Taking the time to write down your dreams when you first wake up will allow you to get into a greater relationship with what is getting activated for you. While you might not always know exactly what every dream means or even be able to remember them all, there is value and insight that can come from the engagement.