Our Values

Our values guide our actions. They let us know what matters to us.

This statement reflects the values of TOLA*. We refer to them to remind us to be accountable for our actions and guide us in making decisions. They also help potential clients decide if they resonate with our approach. We won’t always live up to these ideals, but we promise to always be in deep conversation with them.

Our core values are:

  1. Adaptability.

    Change is inevitable. We embrace change when it comes and try to find positive adaptations to it. We believe we can initiate change with intention and foresight. And we actively seek opportunities to create change in alignment with our values.

  2. Courage.

    Growth requires a willingness to face discomfort and uncertainty. Pursuing our deepest desires often means taking risks. It’s uncomfortable not knowing the outcome, but we believe that taking a chance is worth it. Even if we fail, we learn. However, we do not bypass the nervous system. We create “safe enough” containers where we can take risks that don’t lead to dysregulation.

  3. Authenticity.

    Every person is unique. We believe that when a person is empowered to express their authenticity everyone benefits. Because just as each plant, animal, and fungus has its role in an ecosystem so do we each have our role to play. We create the conditions that make it easier for people to show up as their authentic selves. In service to this, we interrogate the cultural programming around race, gender, sexual orientation, and disability. We know that any hierarchical system cuts us off from our humanity and co-opts us into perpetuating harm. We reject this.

  4. Curiosity

    Questions are a portal and guide. We are not afraid to ask the question, even when we know there is no answer. Because asking shows that we are open to the possibility of change. We accept that we don’t know everything. We question our beliefs and allow ourselves to change when we receive new information.

  5. Autonomy.

    We believe each person has their own innate wisdom. We respect each person’s autonomy and inner guidance system. We provide support, but we do not take responsibility for another person’s growth or healing. We lead only by example, and never tell people what to do.

*In developing these values, we were inspired by the Code of Ethics issue of The Aquarian Entrepreneur.