The Sun


happiness, vitality, success, and increased visibility


I didn’t want to write a poem for this one. So I will just quote a song that I think best expresses the simple beauty of this card:

“Here comes the sun 

Here comes the sun

And I say

It’s alright”


The Sun card is one of the most optimistic cards in the deck. Many say that this card can only be positive, whether it comes up upright or reversed. I don’t know about that, but I would say pulling the Sun card is usually a positive omen. After the turbulent cards that precede it (e.g., the Tower and the Moon), the Sun represents the new day dawning after a difficult time. It invites you to shine and have confidence that things will work out. To play with the energy of the Sun...

  • Journal Prompt: Where are you ready to shine? What part of yourself are you ready to start expressing more? What comes up around this?

  • Inner Child Exploration: The main figure in the card is a child. As such, the card is connected to the child within us all. This “inner child” is the pure essence of our expression before we were conditioned by the world to be what is socially acceptable. Thus, a great way to connect with the Sun is to explore the needs of your inner child.

    • Ways you can do that include:

  • What activities or hobbies did you like as a kid? How can you add them to your life now?

  • What are ways that you can add more play to your life?

Make sure it’s activities that feel light, fun, and accessible, rather than triggering past pain. You many need to start will something very small. That is completely okay. Be gentle with yourself.


The Moon