New Blog Series: The Major Arcana

I’ve been studying the tarot for about four years now and I’ve found it to be a powerful tool for self-reflection. Recently, I took a tarot class to refresh my knowledge of the cards, and it’s helped me fall in love with the tarot all over again. So to share some of this knowledge, I’m creating a blog series where I will create a blog post for each of the cards of the Major Arcana.

What are the Major Arcana?

A tarot deck consists of 78 cards. 22 of these cards are the Major Arcana. They represent the key lessons on a spiritual development journey. If they show up in a reading, you know that important life events are happening.

The rest of 54 cards are the Minor Arcana. They are divided between 4 suits (wands, pentacles, swords, and cups) and typically represent more day-to-day matters.

How will this series work?

I will create a post for each of the 22 major arcana cards. Each post will contain:

  • a brief description of the meaning of the card

  • a poem that captures the energy of the card

  • invitations for practices or activities you could do to connect with the energy of the card

My intention is to create a resource for someone to explore on their tarot journey, but really it’s for me. I just want to deepen my relationship with the cards and teaching about them is a great way to do that.

Where am I getting my information?

There are many teachers and resources that have helped me understand the tarot cards. Some of these include:

  • Linda Cohen was my first tarot teacher. I took a course with her in 2019 that was fundamental to my understanding of the tarot.

  • I have followed and listened to Lindsay Mack’s podcast Tarot for the Wild Soul for a long time and found it to be a wonderful resource for learning about the cards.

  • Recently, I took a course with Taylor Johnson at Black Satin Venus that inspired me to write this series.

  • Information from Biddy Tarot and Labyrinthos helped me get ideas for some of my posts.


The Fool


October musings