Welcome to the blog!

Hi All!

About seven years ago, I quit my job and traveled around South America for eight months. During my travels, I had a little blog where I would write about what I did. By popular demand (like two people mentioned it), I’m resurrecting the blog while traveling and working remotely in Europe this summer.

I’ve been feeling the desire to express myself creatively and this feels like an accessible way for me to do that.

My goal is just to post short little stories from travels and whatever else is on my mind. This might just include pictures or videos sometimes if I’m too lazy to write.

For those of you that don’t know, I arrived in Germany in May to attend the wedding of my friend, Lesley Dudden. Since, I have traveled to Vienna, Prague, and Berlin with my friend Kate Finnerty.

She just left and now the plan is to work my way down to Italy for a family vacation in July, and from there who knows. I’m working remotely throughout this time. Here’s a map of what I have done and planned so far:

As you can see, I’m an expert at photoshop. One of the many skills that I will get to show off with this blog.

If anyone has any cool places they recommend between Germany and Italy, I’d love to hear it!

Anyway, hopefully in the next few days I’ll post some stuff from my travels so far. We’ll see how I feel.

Ok, I think that’s it for now.


The beauty of Vienna and Prague