Surfing in Munich

I went from Berlin to Munich for a few days. After a week in the hostel, I was a little burned out from interacting with other humans. Luckily, I stayed a the cutest Airbnb by myself so I had some space to reset.

I spent my days taking the free walking tour, checking out beer gardens, exploring the Englisher garten (the big city park), and exploring some of the art museums.

I especially enjoyed strolling around the Englisher garten on the hot summer day. There’s always lots of fun people watching on a summer day in the park. There is this river running through it where people swim. I didn’t have my bathing suit (I lost it a couple weeks ago), but I did put my feet in the water. It was freezing, but totally revived me on a day that was 90+ degrees. It made me think that the people who extol the benefits of cold showers are onto something.

There is this part of the river where there is a permanent wave created by the way they manage the flow of the water. For about 40 years or so, people have been going there to surf. The tour guide on the walking tour said that they are out there all year long, even in the middle of January. It was cool to see these people break out their boards and ride this permanent wave. Unfortunately, my camera is not the best so it’s hard to see. But google it. It’s cool.

As my Airbnb didn’t have air conditioning, I escaped the heat by checking out two of the art museums in Munich: Alte Pinakothek and Pinakothek der Moderne. Both had 1 euro admissions on Sundays. One had more old world European art and the other was modern. Although I’m not art expert, I love going to art museums. I just like to be surrounded by beautiful things (I am a Taurus after all). The modern museum had this cool exhibit where the artists had everyone mark their height, name, and the date all around this big white room. So my name is going to be displayed at the museum for a little while, which is sort of cool.

I took a bunch of pictures, but there is something about pictures of artworks that always is sort of disappointing, especially on my bad camera. So instead, I made a little collage of some of the stuff I saw.

Of course, being in Germany, I had to check out the beer gardens, which is always a nice way to spend an afternoon.

This is a picture from my walking tour. This is a government building of some kind. Also, I had completely spaced until the walking tour that Munich is where Octoberfest is held. Apparently a huge portion of Munich’s GDP comes from that event and the population doubles. Of course, they had to cancel it the past two years, but I imagine this year will be crazy.


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Observations from Berlin