Justice can be an intense card. It’s a wake up call and let’s you know something isn’t balanced. Of course, it’s your choice whether or not you listen. It doesn’t always have to be about some major problem, but can be about something quite subtle. Either way, it’s important to remember that Justice’s message comes from deep well of compassion.
To work with the energy of the Justice, you can…
Journal Prompt: What in your life feels imbalanced right now? How has this imbalance affected your and your relationships? What would be the path to creating more harmony?
Take action: There is so much suffering in this world and we all have a role to play in healing it. What is a cause you genuinely care about? What is some action you could take towards justice for that issues? It could be as simple as sharing a post with friends or it could involve dedicating your time as a volunteer. When we live in alignment with our values, it creates a deeper sense of internal peace, which is the ultimate aim of Justice.