

end of a major phase, invitation to clear out what is not longer serving, and asking you to let go and move on.


Oh sweet, sweet death

There is nothing more loving then letting something go that is ready to die

Nothing more painful then propping up what no longer has life

Welcome death with open arms

And in it’s wake, sparks new life


Death is one of those cards that scares people when they first start learning about tarot. Most people fear death. But it is one of the few inevitable forces in life. And the Death card doesn’t reference the death of you or someone in your life. It represents endings. It asks you to be brave enough to let go of what no longer serves you. It’s scary because you don’t know what will come on the others side, but Death invites you to trust in the new beginning. Because as the card depicts, there is light on the horizon.

To engage with the energy of Death….

  • Journal Prompt: What aspects of my life, beliefs, or habits am I being called to let go of to make space for new growth? What new opportunities might arise from these endings?

  • Letting Go Ritual: There is a reason all cultures have rituals around death. Because it helps us process losses. When you pull the Death card, it can be helpful to perform a ritual to let go of the belief, habit, or person you want to release. It can be whatever resonates with you. One common idea is to write what you want to let go of on a piece of paper and then burn it. You would then dispose of the ashes in your backyard or wherever feels right. This will put energy behind the thing you want to release and help strengthen your commitment to letting go.

Click here to read more about the series.




The Hanged Man